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Korea - Candleworks

Perfume Base 香水基底液

Perfume Base 香水基底液

定價 HK$40.00
定價 售價 HK$40.00
特價 售罄


形態 液體 
成分 天然發酵酒精(乙醇)、純淨水、紫外線阻隔劑
產地  韓國

- 本產品為噴霧用香水基料,滾珠香水應使用荷荷巴油或甜杏仁油作為基料。 
- 它也可以用作室內噴霧。
- 如果香水顏色太深,請小心,因為它可能會導致顏色轉移到淺色衣服上。
- 它含有各種輔助成分來阻擋香水基質中的光線,隨著時間的推移,可能會與香水反應形成一些沉澱物。這不是異物,但如果要徹底清潔,請在混合後1週後過濾並重新放入。

- 大部分CW香精/基底油均可良好混合,部分香味可能出現混濁情況,請參閱下表。

- 使用CW以外的香精/香水原液時,請少量試驗。觀察混合時會否出現混濁情況,正常的話才製作成品。

1. 稱量香水基底
建議在製作香水前用消毒乙醇或香水鹼輕輕清潔玻璃燒杯后使用。香水的承載率約為15%。以 30ml 香水杯為基準,量取香水基底約 25~26g。

2. 量取香油
香水的杯測率在15%左右,以30ml香水杯為基準,如果要放15%左右,加4.5g左右。(為方便起見,我添加了 4g,因為我使用了 1g 單位刻度。)

3. 混合
使用玻璃棒,充分攪拌約 1 分鐘以充分混合香氣。如果您想要一種柔和、成熟、穩定的香味,建議在使用前將其在密閉容器中保存約 2 週。

4. 放入空瓶子

Perfume Base (Also for Room Spray)

Shape   Liquid
Ingredients  Naturally fermented alcohol, Purified water, Emulsifier, UV blocker, Moisturizer
Country of Origin  Korea

- This product is a perfume base for spraying, and roll-on perfume has to use the Refined Jojoba Oil or Refined Sweet Almond Oil as the perfume base.
- It can also be used as a room spray.
- If the fragrance color is too dark, please be careful as it may result in dyeing on light-colored clothes.
- Contains various auxiliary ingredients to block light in the perfume base, reacts with the scent, and causes some sediments over time. This is not a foreign substance, but if you want to make it completely clean, please filter it after one week after mixing.

-Depending on the type of the fragrance oil, the mix may turn out cloudy, please test a small amount first. (Please keep in mind cloudy mix is not a defect and does not affect the performance at all.)


1. Measuring Perfume Base (Also for Room Spray)
It is recommended to clean glass beaker lightly with ethanol or perfume base before making room spray. The fragrance load of the room spray is about 5-10% depending on the properties of the scent (At here we typically calculated as 10% fragrance load, based on 100ml room spray glass, 90ml with beaker, and about 90g with a scale).

2. Measuring Fragrance Oil
Add about 10ml (Approximately 10g) of Fragrance oil based on 100ml room spray glass, with a 10% fragrance load.

3. Mixing
Using a glass rod, stir well for about 1 minute to blend the scent. If you want a soft, mature, and stable scent, it is recommended that you put it in a sealed container for about two weeks before use.

4. Filling the bottle
It is recommended to age it for 1 to 2 weeks before using it. If the opening of the container is small, use a funnel, etc. to fill the finished perfume in the empty bottle.

您可以通過將 5L 桶稍微側放並將其倒入帶有漏斗的小容器中來快速安全地重新填充它。


部分CW香精油混合香水基底液後將會變得混濁 (如下)
CW Fragrance oil that will be mixed cloudy with Perfume Base (in alphabetical order)

Number 34 Saint Germaine
A Autumn Leaves & Moss
B Baies, Baies New Type
C Chance, Cherry Blossom, Chocolate
E Eucalyptus
F Frankincense & Myrrh, French Lavender
H Hala Mountain
M Mimosa
R Rosewood & Musk, Risky Citrus
W Wild Hosta & Willow
W White Musk, Wild Hosta & Willow, Wisteria